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International Bureau 

X PCT wo 


(51) International Patent Classification 6 : 

C07K 14/47, G01N 33/68, A6lK 38/17 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 99/43701 

(43) International Publication Date: 2 September 1999 (02.09.99) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/IL99/00096 

(22) International Filing Date: 16 February 1999 (16.02.99) 

(30) Priority Data: 

24 February 1998 (24.02.98) 


(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NST NEURO- 

7, 49170 Petach Tikva (IL). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): ZIV, Ilan [IUIL]; Sheizaf 
Street 5, 44418 Kfar-Sava (IL). SHIRVAN, Anat [IUIL]; 
Habsor Street 3, 46328 Herzliya (IL). 

(74) Agents: HESS, Yitzhak et al.; Dr. Yitzhak Hess & Partners, 
P.O. Box 6451, 61063 Tel Aviv (IL). 

(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, 
BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK f EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, 
GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, 
KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, 
MN, MW ( MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, 
SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, 
ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, 
ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, 
TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, 
FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent 
(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, 
SN, TD, TG). 


With international search report. 

Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the claims 
and to be republished in the event of the receipt of amendments. 

(88) Date of publication of the international search report: 

14 October 1999(14.10.99) 


(57) Abstract 

The present invention relates to an isolated and purified peptide of the RY domain having an amino acid sequence of general formula 
(I) comprising a sequence of the following amino acids: X\ - X 2 - X 3 - X 4 - Xi - X4 - X 4 - X 3 - Xi, Xi - Phe, Tyr, or any amino 
acid having a substituted aromatic residue; X2 - Glu, Asp, Ser, or any amino acid having a -(CH2)n-COO residue, wherein n = (>-3; X3 = 
Asp, Thr, any aliphatic amino acid, or any of amino acids X4; and X4 = Arg, Lys, or any amino acid having a -(CH2) n -NH 3 + residue, or a 
-(CH2)n-NH-C(NH3 + )NH2 residue wherein n = 0-4; as well as functional equivalents thereof. The invention relates also to pharmaceutical 
compositions comprising a compound of general formula (I), the use of said RY peptide and of said pharmaceutical composition in the 
preparation of a medicament and in methods for the treatment of disorders of inappropriate activation of apoptosis; for increasing the 
number of viable cells in a biological tissue; and in a method for the enhancement for the survival of biological cells. The invention also 
relates to a method for the preparation of a RY-peptide of general formula (I). Furthermore, the^invention also relates to an in vitro assay 
system for the regulation of cell death by the Bcl-2 family of test compounds (as hereinbefore defined). 


Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT. 





































United Kingdom 






Bosnia and Herzegovina 




Republic of Moldova 
















The former Yugoslav 




Burkina Faso 



Republic of Macedonia 










Trinidad and Tobago 
























United States of America 










Central African Republic 






Viet Nam 










* Switzerland 








Cdte d 'I voire 


Democratic People's 


New Zealand 



Republic of Korea 






Republic of Korea 










'Czech Republic 


Saint Lucia 


Russian Federation 










Sri Lanka 











Application No. 
PCT/IL 99/00096 

Box I Observations where certain claims w re found unsearchabl (Continuation of item 1 of first sheet) 

This International Search Report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article I7(2)(a) for the following reasons: 


Claims Nos.: 

because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely: 

Remark: As far as claims 13-15 

are directed to a method of treatment of the human/animal 
body, the search has been carried out and based on the alleged 
effects of the compound/composition. 

Claims Nos.: 

because they relate to parts of the International Application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such 
an extent that no meaningful International Search can be carried out. specifically: 

3. Claims Nos.: J 

because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a). 

Box II Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet) 

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows: 

1 . | I As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this International Search Report covers all 
I ' searchable claims. 

2. | | As all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying an additional fee, this Authority did not invite payment 

of any additional fee. 

3. j I As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this International Search Report 
* * covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims, Nos.: 

4. No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant Consequently, this International Search Report is 

restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.: 

Remark on Protest | | The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest. 

| | No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees. 

Form PCT/1SA/210 (continuation of first sheet (1)) (July 1998) 


l : J.V' c F y ^/L}r*>' '- 'onal Application No 

'CT/IL 99/00096 

formation on patent family member* 

Patent document 
cited in search report 


Patent family 


WO 9805777 




0917574 A 


WO 9735971 




2143997 A 
2250207 A 
0932674 A 


WO 9629403 




5789389 A 


Form PCT/ISA/21 0 (pa tern family annex) < Jiiy 1 992) 




ional Application No 

KT/1L 99/00096 


Category * Citation ot document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

(AU); GIBS) 2 October 1997 (1997-10-02) 


Seq ID 7 
page 2, 
page 5, 


and 9 

1 ine 27 - page 3, 1 ine 5 <- 
line 25 - page 6, line 5; claims; 

26 September 1996 (1996-09-26) 
Seq ID 6, 8 and 10 r . r//?jf 

claims; examples 


Form PCT/IS A/210 (cormnuanon ot second sheat) (July 1992) 

page 2 of 2 


Int . tlo^^^llcailon No 



IPC 6 C07K14/47 A61K38/17 G01N33/68 

According to International Patent Classification (JPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 

IPC 6 C07K A61K G01N 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and. where practical, search terms used) 


Category ' 

Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

S.H. MUCHMORE ET AL. : "X-ray and NMR 
structure of human Bcl-xL, an inhibitor of 
programmed cell death" 

vol. 381, 23 May 1996 (1996-05-23), pages 
335-341', XP002111426 

cited in the application 
page 339, left-hand column, paragraph 2 - 
page 340, left-hand column, paragraph 1 

INC) 12 February 1998 (1998-02-12) 
SEq ID 2 

page 28, line 12 - page 30, line 34; 
claims; examples 

, -/-- 



Further documents are listed in the continuation of box C. 


Patent famity members are listed in annex. 

° Special categories of cited documents : 

"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not 

considered to be of particular relevance 
"E" earlier document but published on or after the international 

filing date 

"L* document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or 
which is cited to establish the publication date of another 
citation or other special reason (as specified) 

"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or 
other means 

"P" document published prior to the International filing date but 
later than the priority date claimed 

T" later document published after the international filing date 
or priority date and not in conflict with the application but 
cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the 

"X" document of particular relevance: the claimed invention 
cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to 
involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone 

"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention 

cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the 
document is combined with one or more other such docu- 
ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled 
in the art. 

document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion ot the international search 

9 August 1999 

Oate of mailing of the international search report 


Name and mailing address of the ISA . ' ' 

European Patent Office. P. B. 5818 Patentlaan 2 
NL - 2260 HV Rijswijk c t 
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040. Tx. 31 651 epo nl, 
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 

Authorized'otficer + 

Fuhr, C , 

Foim PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992) 

page 1* of 2 




(PCT Article 36 and Rule 70) 

Applicant's or agent's file reference 

See Notification of Transmittal of International 
FOR FURTHER ACTION Preliminary Examination Report (Form PCT/IPEA/416) 

International application No. 

International filing date (day/month/year) 

Priority date (day/month/year) 
24/02/1 998 

International Patent Classification (IPC) or nal 

ional classification and IPC 



1 . This international preliminary examination report has been prepared by this International Preliminary Examining Authority 

and is transmitted to the applicant according to Article 36. 

2. This REPORT consists of a total of 8 sheets, including this cover sheet. 

H This report is also accompanied by ANNEXES, i.e. sheets of the description, claims and/or drawings which have 
been amended and are the basis for this report and/or sheets containing rectifications made before this Authority 
(see Rule 70.16 and Section 607 of the Administrative Instructions under the PCT). 

These annexes consist of a total of 25 sheets. 

3. This report contains indications relating to the following items: 
I 8 Basis of the report 

Lack of unity of invention 

Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability; 
citations and explanations suporting such statement 

Certain observations on the international application 












Date of submission of the demand 

Date of completion of this report 

r \ K 07 no 

Name and mailing address of the international 
preliminary examining authority: 

*>CV European Patent Office 
An) 0-80293 Munich 
zd? 1 Tel. +49 89 2399 - 0 Tx: 523656 epmu d 
Fax: +49 89 2399 - 4465 

Authorized officer 

Paresce. D C 

Telephone No. +49 39 2399 8995 

Form PCT/IPEA/409 {cover sheet) (January 1994) 



From the 


To: * 

HESS, Yitzhak et al. 
Yitzhak, Hess & Partners 
P.O.Box 6451 
TEL-AVIV 61063 

Applicant's or agents file reference 



(PCT Rule 71.1) 

Date of mailing 


1 *. 07. 


International application No. 

International filing date (day/month/year) 

Priority date (day/month/year) 
24/02/1 998 



1 . The applicant is hereby notified that this International Preliminary Examining Authority transmits herewith the 
international preliminary examination report and its annexes, if any, established on the international application. 

2. A copy of the report and its annexes, if any, is being transmitted to the international Bureau for communication 
to all the elected Offices. 

3. Where required by any of the elected Offices, the International Bureau will prepare an English translation of the 
report (but not of any annexes) and will transmit such translation to those Offices. 


. The applicant must enter the national phase before each elected Office by performing certain acts (filing 
translations and paying national fees) within 30 months from the priority date (or later in some Offices) (Article 
39(1)) (see also the reminder sent by the International Bureau with Form PCT/IB/301). 

Where a translation of the international application must be furnished to an elected Office, that translation must 
contain a translation of any annexes to the international preliminary examination report. It is the applicant's 
responsibility to prepare and furnish such translation directly to each elected Office concerned. 

For further details on the applicable time limits and requirements of the elected Offices, see Volume II of the 
PCT Applicant's Guide. 

Name and mailing address of the 1PEA/ 

- European Patent Office 
D-80298 Munich 

Tel. +49 89 2399 - 0 Tx: 523655 epmu d 
Fax: +49 89 2399 - 4465 

Authorized officer 
Faux. K 

Tel. +49 39 2399-8062 

Form PCT/IPEA/416 (July 1992) 



EXAMINATION REPORT ■ International application No. PCT/IL99/00096 

I. Basis of the report 

1 . This report has been drawn on the basis of (substitute sheets which have been furnished to the receiving Office in 
response to an invitation under Article 14 are referred to in this report as "originally filed" and are not annexed to 
the report since they do not contain amendments.): 

Description, pages: 

1-5,10,11,16,22 as originally filed 

6-9,12-15,17-21 as received on 

30/05/2000 with letter of 


Claims, No. 


as received on 
as received on 

30/03/2000 with letter of 
30/05/2000 with letter of 


Drawings, sheets: 

1/9,4/9,5/9 as originally filed 

2/9,3/9,6/9-9/9 as received on 

30/05/2000 with letter of 


2. The amendments have resulted in the cancellation of: 

□ the description, pages: 

□ the claims, Nos.: 

□ the drawings, sheets: 

3. □ This report has been established as if (some of) the amendments had not been made, since they have 

considered to go beyond the disclosure as filed (Rule 70.2(c)): 

4. Additional observations, if necessary: 

IV. Lack of unity of invention 

1 . In response to the invitation to restrict or pay additional fees the applicant has: 
(3 restricted the claims. 

Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Boxes l- VI II. Sheet 1) (January 1994) 




EXAMINATION REPORT . International application No. PCT/IL99/00096 

□ paid additional fees. 

□ paid additional fees under protest. 

□ neither restricted nor paid additional fees. 

2. □ This Authority found that the requirement of unity of invention is not complied and chose, according to Rule 

68.1 , not to invite the applicant to restrict or pay additional fees. 

3. This Authority considers that the requirement of unity of invention in accordance with Rules 13. 1, 13.2 and 13.3 is 
^ complied with. 

□ not complied with for the following reasons: 

4. Consequently, the following parts of the international application were the subject of international preliminary 
examination in establishing this report: 

S all parts. 

□ the parts relating to claims Nos. . 

V. Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial 
applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement 

1 . Statement 

Novelty (N) 






Inventive step (IS) 






Industrial applicability (IA) 






2. Citations and explanations 
see separate sheet 

Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Boxes l-VIII. Sheet 2) (January 1994) 



. International application No. PCT/I L99/00096 

VIII. Certain observations on the international application 

The following observations on the clarity of the claims, description, and drawings or on the question wheth 
claims are fully supported by the description, are made: 

see separate sheet 

Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Boxes l-VIII. Sheet 3) (January 1994) 


INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY International application No. PCT/IL99/00096 

Re Item I 

Basis of the report 

This international preliminary examination report will be based on amended claims 
1-21 submitted by the Applicant with a letter dated 28.05.00 and claims 22-24 
submitted by the Applicant with a letter dated 27.03.00. The amended set of 
claims is supported by the original disclosure and therefore complies with the 
requirements of Article 34(2)(b) PCT. 

Re Item IV 

Lack of unity of invention 

In Form PCT/IPEA/405, sent on 01 .03.00, the IPEA found that the claims as filed 
lacked unity within the meaning of Rule 13.1 PCT. The IPEA found that the claims 
as filed related to two different inventions. The separate inventions/groups of 
invention are: 

1) Claims 1-21 are directed to isolated peptides comprising an amino acid 
sequence of the general formula I, defined in claim 1 of the present application, as 
well as functional equivalents of said peptides. This includes peptides comprising 
said amino acid sequence as well as short peptides having specific sequences of 
general formula I. These claims are further directed to pharmaceutical 
compositions comprising said peptides or functional equivalents of said peptides, 
methods of use of said peptides, and methods of preparation of said peptides. 

2) Claims 22-25 are directed to an in vitro assay system for the regulation of cell 
death by the Bcl-2 family of test compounds. 

In reply to the non-unity objection raised by the IPEA, the Applicant has amended 
claims 22-25. These claims now refer to isolated peptides of the RY domain 
according to claims 1 to 9. The IPEA considers, therefore, that the amended set 
of claims now fulfill the requirements of Rule 1 3. 1 PCT and relate to a single 

Re Item V 

Form PCT/Separate Sheet/409 (Sheet 1) (EPO-April 1997) 


INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY international application No. PCT/IL99/00096 

Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step or 
industrial applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement 

1) The documents mentioned in this communication are numbered as in the search 
report, i.e. D1 corresponds to the first document of the search report. 

2) D1 discloses the X-ray and NMR structure of human Bcl-X L , an inhibitor of 
programmed cell death. D1 shows a sequence alignment of Bcl-2 family 
members: Bcl-X L , Bcl-2, Bak, Bax, Mcl-1, Ced-9. Both Bcl-X L and Bcl-2 contain the 
"RY domain". Both Bcl-X L and Bcl-2 have sequences comprising an amino acid 
sequence of the general formula I, defined in claim 1 of the present application 
(see figure 1 , d, amino acids 97-105). This domain overlaps with a homology 
domain BH3 identified in D1 as a region of homology among Bcl-2 proteins that 
was found to be essential for the activity of the death-promoting proteins. D1 
discloses that the three homology regions, BH1-BH3, are in close spatial proximity 
and form an elongated hydrophobic cleft in Bcl-X L . D1 proposes that this cleft may 
be the site of interaction with death-promoting proteins such as Bax and Bak (see 
p. 339). 

D2 discloses a novel isoform of the Bcl-x family of proteins called Bcl-xy. This 
peptide is expressed in T-lymphocytes and is associated with resistance to 
apoptosis. The amino acid sequence of BcI-xy is shown in SEQ ID NO:2. This 
protein comprises an amino acid sequence of the general formula I, defined in 
claim 1 of the present application (see SEQ ID NO:2, p. 84). D2 discloses an 
isolated peptide, that has anti-apoptotic activity, comprising a specific domain of 
Bcl-xy (the y domain). D2 further describes methods of use of said proteins as well 
as diagnostic assays using said proteins (see claims). 

D3 discloses another member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins called Bcl-w. The 
amino acid sequence of Bcl-w is shown in SEQ ID NO:7 or SEQ ID NO:9. This 
protein comprises an amino acid sequence of the general formula I, defined in 
claim 1 of the present application (see SEQ ID NO:7 or SEQ ID NO:9). D3 also 
discloses derivatives or fragments of said protein (see p.5). D3 further describes 
methods of use of said proteins in therapy, diagnostic assays, antibody generation 

Form PCT/Separate Sheet/409 (Sheet 2) (EPO- April 1997) 


INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY International application No. PCT/IL99/00096 

and as a screening tool for therapeutic molecules capable of modulating 
physiological cell death or survival and/or modulating cell cycle entry (see abstract 
and claims). 

The present invention involves the isolation of a specific protein domain called the 
"RY domain" which is similar among death inhibitors (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-w) but 
markedly different in death inducers (Bax, Bak) (present application, p. 5-6). The 
isolated peptide of said RY domain was found to have a death inhibiting activity. 
The IPEA is of the opinion that the identification of the RY sequence and the 
characterization of its anti-apoptotic activity is both novel and inventive. D1 
discloses several conserved regions in the Bcl-2 proteins and in particular 
mentions the BH3 domain which is identified in D1 as a region of homology 
among Bcl-2 proteins that was found to be essential for the activity of the death- 
promoting proteins. D1 does not, however, disclose the RY sequence as a distinct 
sequence. From the teachings of D1 it would not be expected that a domain 
adjacent to the BH3 domain, which is implicated in death promoting activity, would 
instead have death inhibiting activity. Furthermore, the use of the isolated peptide 
of the RY domain of the present application presents several advantages over the 
use of other death inhibitory proteins disclosed in the prior art. The present 
invention provides a small protein fragment which can mimic the activity of the 
whole protein. There are many advantages to the use of a small peptide as a drug 
candidate rather than the full-length protein (for example, rate of degradation or 
immunogenicity). Therefore, the IPEA is of the opinion that isolated peptides 
having the amino acid sequence of general formula I as defined in claim 1 have 
not been made available to the public by any of the available prior art documents 
and can therefore be regarded as novel. Furthermore, the IPEA considers that the 
subject-matter of claims 1-24 cannot be derived from the available prior art in an 
obvious manner and therefore complies with the requirements of Article 33(3) 

VIII. Certain observations on the international application 
1) Clarity: Article 6 PCT 

Claims 1,10 lack clarity due to the expression "functional equivalents thereof". 

Form PCT/Separate Sheet/409 (Sheet 3) (EPO-April 1997) 


INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY International application No. PCT/IL99/00096 

This term is vague and unclear and leaves the reader in doubt as to the meaning 
of the technical features to which it refers, thereby rendering the definition of the 
subject-matter of said claim unclear (Article 6 PCT). 

Claims 21, 24 are not clear. As is stated in Rule 6 (2a) PCT, claims shall not, 
except where absolutely necessary, rely, in respect of the technical features of the 
invention, on references to the description or drawings. In particular, they shall not 
rely on such references as: "as described in part. ..of the description" or 
"substantially as herein described with reference to the examples". 

Form PCT/Separate Sheet/409 (Sheet 4) (EPO-April 1997) 


09/6220 5 8 

WO 99/43701 cn A Dfl ,A T PCT/IL99/00096 

• 534Recmj/PTQ 24 AUG 2009 

IBmON of apoptosis and pharmaceutical uu 



The present invention relates to the field of cell death, 
and more particularly, to apoptosis. The novel peptides and the 
compositions comprising said peptides are useful in inhibiting 
cell death. Therefore, they are potentially useful in treating 
disorders of inappropriate activation of cell death, such as 
neurodegenerative disorders, cerebral strokes, myocardial infarc- 
tions, etc. 

Apoptosis is an intrinsic cell self-destruction or »suicide" ( 
program. In response to a triggering stimulus,, cells undergo a 
highly characteristic cascade of events of cell shrinkage, 
blebbing of cell membranes, chromatin condensation and fragmenta- 
tion, culminating in cell conversion to clusters of membrane- 
bound particles (apoptotic bodies) , which are thereafter engulfed 
by macrophages (Boobis AR, et al. Trends Pharmacol. Sci . 10:275- 
280, 1989; Bursch W, et al . Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 13:245-151, 
1992 . ) . 

Normally, apoptosis plays important physiological roles, 
among others in the development of the central nervous system 
(Merry DE , et al . Development 10: 301-311, 1994.) However, it is 
now known that "inappropriate" activation of this death program 
also plays a critical part in the pathogenesis of numerous disor- 
ders, e.g. AIDS, ischemic injuries such as cerebral strokes or 
myocardial infarctions, and neurodegenerative disorders such as 
Alzheimer' s disease, Parkinson's disease or amyotrophic lateral 
sclerosis (ALS) (Ziv I, et al . Neuosci Lett. 170: 136-140, 1994; 
Ziv I, et al. J. Neural. Transm. 49 (supp) : 69-75, 1997; Thompson 
CB. Science 267:1456-1461.). The etiologies of the latter 
frequent and progressive neurological disorders are unknown . 
Thus, there are no known therapeutic measures capable of 
affecting the downhill course of the neuro-degenerat ive process. 
However, the substantiation of the role of apoptosis in the 
neuronal death in these disorders now delineates a novel window 
for therapeutic interventions, aimed to inhibit the final common 
biochemical pathway of the apoptotic process, upon which the 
various triggers of the death program converge . 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

The Bel -2 family of proteins is a major system controlling 
this final common pathway. This growing family of prdteins 
includes death- inhibitory members (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-w, Ced-9, 
Mcl-1, Al) as well as death inducers (Bax, Bak, Bcl-xS, Bad, Bik, 
Bid, Hrk) (Kroemer G. Nat. Med. 3:614-620, 1997; Reed JC. Nature 
387:773-776, 1997.) This protein system has been shown to be a 
powerful regulator of cell death. Bcl-2 can protect cells from 
a wide array of insults, and can inhibit both apoptotic and 
necrotic modes of cell death (Shimizu S. Nature 374:811-813, 
1995; Ziv I , ■ et al . Apoptosis 2:149-155, 1997). On the other 
hand, transgenic Bcl-xL- knock-out mice manifest extensive 
apoptosis of neuronal tissues (Motoyama N, et al . , Science 
267:1506-1510), whereas neurons of Bax knock-out mice manifest 
resistance to apoptosis (Deckwerth TL, et al . , Neuron 17:401-411, 
1996) . Clinical relevance of this protein system is reflected, 
among others, in reports of Bax upregulation following cerebral 
ischemia (McGibbon GA, et al . Brain Res. 750:223-234, 1997) and 
also in Alzheimer's disease brains and ALS spinal cord motor 
neurons (Su JH, et al . J. Neuropathol . Exp. Neuro. 56:86-93,: 
1997; Mu X, et al . Ann Neurol 40:379-386, 1996). 

The members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins are strategical- 
ly localized in the outer mitochondrial membrane, endoplasmic 
reticulum, nuclear envelope, and the cytosol (Kromer G. Nat Med 
3:614-620, 1997; Reed JC Nature 387:773-776, 1997). Bcl-xL has a 
predominantly mitochondrial localization. Notably, Bcl-xL 
manifests high levels of expression in the central nervous system 
(Mizuguchi M, et al . Brain Res 712:281-286, 1996). Bax, a major 
death inducer, is predominantly cytosolic, but manifests 
redistribution to the mitochondria upon induction of apoptosis 
(Wolter KG, et al . , J Cell Biol 139 : 1281-1292 , 1997. 

Amino acid sequence analysis of the Bcl-2 family yielded a 
focus on several regions within the proteins (Yin XM, et al . 
Nature 369 -.321-323 , 1994 ; Sedlak TW, et al . , Proc . Natl. Acad. 
Sci. USA, 92:7834-7838, 1995; Cheng EH, et al . , Nature 379:554- 
556, 1996; Chittenden, T. et al . , • EMBO J'. 14:5589-5596, 1995; 
Hunter J. at al . J. Biol. Chem. 271:8521-8524, 1996; Wang K, et 
al., Genes Dev. 10:2859-1869, 1996). These regions are: 
1. A hydrophobic C-terminal region, which serves for membrane 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


2. BH1 and BH2 : Regions which are important for formation o£ a 
hydrophobic binding cleft, where protein-protein interac- 
tions take place. 

3. BH3: The C-terminal half of the amphipathic Bcl-xL second 
helix, serves as part of the hydrophobic binding cleft. The 
homologous region in the death- inducing family members, 
serves as a ligand region, and is important for their 
protein-protein interactions with other proteins within the 
family- • 

4. A flexible, cytosol- exposed PEST-like region in Bcl-2 and 
Bel -xL, which serves as a regulator region. It includes 
serine phosphorylation sites. 

5. BH4 : an N-terminal region, which serves to stabilize the 
three dimensional ' protein structure, as well as a critical 
docking region for several proteins, e.g., Raf-1, Bag-1 and 
Ced-4 . 

The mode of action , of the Bcl-2 family proteins in the 
regulation of cell survival is largely unknown, though two major 
functions ■ have been revealed: 

1. Adaptor/Docking proteins: Bcl-2 and Bl-xL, by virtue of 
their membrane attachment with cystolic orientation , , have 
been shown to act as important adaptor or docking proteins, 
pulling-out proteins from the cytosol, thus inactivating 
them or orienting them to interact with other membrane -bound 
proteins. Among these are the protein ^kinase Raf-1, calci- 
neurin, R-Ras, H-Ras, the prion protein Pr-1, Bag-1, the 
p53 -binding protein p53-BP2 and others (Kroemer G. Nat Med 
3:614-620, 1997; Reed JC . Nature 387:773-776, 1997). 
Another important protein shown to be docked to Bcl-2 is the 
Apaf-1 protein. This death- inducing protein, homologous to 
the nematode Caenorhabditis-elegans protein CED-4, acts in 
mediating linkage between the Bel- 2 system and the down- 
stream cysteine proteases (caspases) , which perform the 
execution phase of the death program. (Zou H et al. , Cell 
90:405-413, 1997; Yuan J., et al . , Development 116:309-320, 
1992; Chinnaiyan AM, et al . , Science 275:1122-1126, 1997). 
2. Formation of transmembrane pores and/or ionic channels, as 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

suggested by the similarity of the crystal structure of Bcl- 
xL and the structure of pore forming bacterial toxins', e.g. 
colicins and diphtheria toxin (Muchmore, et al . , Nature 
381:335-344/1996) . Bcl-xL, Bcl-2 and Bax.have all been shown 
to be capable of transmembrane ionic channel formation, the 
two formers only in acidic pH, whereas the latter also in 
physiological pH. (Minn AJ, et al . Nature 385:353-357, 1997; 
Schendel SL, et al . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci . USA 94:5113-5118, 
1997; ' An tons son B et al . , Science 277:370-372, 1997; 
Schlesinger PH, et al . , Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:11357- 
11362, 1997) . 

These structure- function considerations and the localization 
of the Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL to the outer mitochondrial membrane, are 
in accordance with the emerging importance of the mitochondrial 
level in the apoptotic cascade (Zamzami N, et al . J. Exp Med 
183:1533-1544, 1996). Disruption of the mitochondrial transmem- 
brane potential has been shown to be an early event in apoptosis 
(Zamzami N, et al . , J • Exp Med 181:1661-1672, 1995) . Evidently, 
this derangement involves the opening of so-called mitochondrial 
permeability transition pores (PTP) (Zamzami N, et al . , J Exp Med 
182:367-377,1995). These are megachannels , which can be opened 
in response to numerous noxious stimuli and lead to redistribu- 
tion of molecules of <1,500 daltons, thus disrupting mitochondri- 
al membrane potential and associated mitochondrial functions 
(Zoratti M, et al . , Biochim Biophys Acta 1241:139-176, 1995). 
Chemical inducers and inhibitors of the PTiP have been shown to 
induce or inhibit apoptosis, respectively (Marchetti P, et al., 
Apoptosis 1:119-215, 1996; Zamzami N, et al . , FEBS Letters 
384:53-57, 1996). Moreover, during the apoptotic process, 
■ mitochondria have been shown to liberate at least three mediators 
of apoptosis: ceramide, cyctochrome c, and AIF;' (apoptosis- 
inducing factor) a 50kDa protein with caspase-like activity 
(Marchetti P, et al . , Apoptosis 1 : 119 - 125 , 1996) . Interestingly, 
all these mitochondrial -dependent steps in the apoptotic process 
have been effectively blocked by Bcl-2 (Zamzami N, et al . , J Exp 
Med 182:367-377, 1995; Kluck RM, et al . , Science 275:1132-1136, 
1997; Susin S, et al . , J Exp Med 184:1331-1342, 1996). 

Specific importance is currently attached to the release 

WO 99/43701 


from the mitochondria of cytochrome c, which acts to activate the 
downstream apoptotic cascade, and can be liberated and exert its 
pro-appptotic activity even in the absence of mitochondrial 
potential collapse (Bossy-Wetzel E, et al . EMBO J , 17:37-49, 
1998; Li F, et al J Biol Chem, 272:30299-30305,1997). 

The Bcl-2- system is therefore a powerful system in determin- 
ing cell fate. For purposes of the development of novel diagnos- 
tics and therapeutics for modulation of cell death, it has 
therefore been desirable to identify specific regions or domains 
-within these proteins which are, by themselves, capable of 
fulfilling at least part of the functions of the whole proteins. 
For example, the identification of agents capable of mimicking 
the apoptosis- inhibitory effects of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL may be 
useful for the treatment of medical disorders associated with 
inappropriate activation of the death program, for example, 
neurodegenerative disorders, ischemic injury (cerebral stroke, 
myocardial infarction) , AIDS, myelodysplast ic syndromes, 
traumatic or toxic injuries. 

The present invention relates to a novel protein domaiq 
which is .useful in inhibiting cell death, and which has been 
identified and mapped to a short domain of 9 amino acids which is 
called hereinafter " RY domain" and which is mapped on the central 
portion of the relevant protein. f - 
Said RY domain is : 

1. Significantly conserved through evolution: Comparison of 
the Bcl-xL amino acid sequence from chicken, mouse, rat and 
human, revealed conservation of this motif between species. 
Conservation through evolution is usually considered to mark 
structural /functional importance . 

2. Similar among death inhibitors: Comparison- of the " RY 
domain" of the death inhibitors : Bcl-2 , Bel -xl- and Bcl-w 
revealed marked similarity: 

Bcl-xL: Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe (FELRYRRAF) 
Bcl-2 : Phe-Ser-Arg-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Asp-Phe (FSRRYRRDF) 
Bcl-w: Phe-Glu-Thr-Arg-Phe-Arg-Arg-Thr-Phe (FETRFRRTF) 

3. Located on the outer surface of the protein, as observed in 
the NMR and x-ray protein solution and crystal structures of 
Bcl-xL (Muchmore SW, et al . , Nature 381:335-341, 1996; 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

» 6 

Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, Accession No." 1LXL and 1MAZ, 
respectively) . These structural data also reveal that this 
small region forms an almost closed loop within the protein 
structure, with the Phel and Phe 9 in close spatial proximi- 
ty, while the Arg side-chains face the outside of the 
protein (Figure 1) . 

4. Undergoing conformational change upon binding of Bcl-xL to 
a peptide from the BH3 region of a death inducer (Bak) : 

A systematic comparison has been performed of the structure 
of the free Bcl-xL (Muchmore SW, et al . , Nature 381:335-341, 
1996) and, its structure upon binding to the BH3 peptide of 
Bak (Sattler M, et al . , Science 275:983-986, 1997). In its 
unbound conformation, the second helix of the protein encom- 
passes 15 amino acids ( Ala84 -Glu9 8 ) . The RY domain in this 
conformation is the loop described above (Fig. 1.) However, 
upon binding of the BH3 peptide of Bak to the hydrophobic 
cleft of Bcl-xL, the RY domain undergoes a conformational 
change and becomes a part of the second helix, which now 
extends to residue Argl03 (Sattler M, et al . , Science 
275:983-986, 1997). Moreover, upon binding, several of the 
RY residues become engaged in interactions with the death- 
inducer peptide (i.e., Phe97 , ArglOO , TyrlOl, Phel05) . 

5. Markedly different in cell death inhibitors vs. inducers: 
Death inhibitors : 

Bel- xL : FELiRYRRAF ( Phe - G lu - Leu - Arg - Ty r - Arg - Arg - Al a - Phe ) 
Bcl-2 : FSRRYRRDF ( Phe - Ser-Arg-Arg-T.yr-Arg- Arg-Asp- Phe ) 

Be 1 - w : FETRFRRTF ( Phe - Glu - Thr - Arg - Phe - Arg - Arg - Thr - Phe ) 

Death inducers : 

Bax : LDSNMEL (Leu-Asp-Ser-Asn-Met-Glu-Leu) 

Bak: INRRYDSEF ( Ile-Asn-Arg-Arg-Tyr-Asp-Ser-Glu-Phe) 

It has been found that the peptide FELRYRRAF is a potent 
inhibitor of cell death. 

The present invention thus consists in an isolated and 
purified peptide of the RY domain' having an amino acid sequence 
of general formula I comprising a sequence'' of the following amino 

acids: ? 

X, - X 2 - X 3 - X 4 - X, - x 4 - x 4 - x 3 - X : I 

X 1 = Phe, Tyr, or any amino acid -having a substituted 

WO 99/4370 1 PCT/IL99/00096 


aromatic residue; 
X 2 = Glu, Asp, Ser, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -COO 

residue, wherein n = 0-3; 
X 3 = Asp, Thr, any aliphatic amino acid, or any of amino 

acids X 4 ; and 

X 4 = Arg, Lys, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -NH 3 ' 
residue, or a - ( CH 2 ) R -NH-C (NH 3 + ) NH 2 residue wherein n = 

as well as functional equivalents thereof. 

By "functional equivalents" is meant a compound possessing 
a biological activity or/and immunological characteristic similar 
to that of the RY domain of general formula I. Said term includes 
fragments, variants analogs, homologs and chemical derivatives 
possessing such activity or characteristic. ( 

Any of the above amino acids may be either the D- or the L- 

The amino acid residues may also be residues of suitable 
synthetic amino acids. . 

Methionine (Met) may be connected to the N- terminal of the^ 
sequence of general formula I and this sequence is also within 
the scope of the present invention. 

In an advantageous sequence of general formula I the 


X, - X, - X 4 - X 4 stands for Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg; 

In a further embodiment said sequence is preceded by X 3 = 

Arg. 4 

The substituted aromatic residue of X 1 is preferably Phenyl- 

(CH 2 ) n -, wherein n = 0-3. 

The aliphatic amino acid of X 3 is preferably selected among 
'Leu, lie, Ala, Gly and Val . 

The preferred sequence according to the present invention is 
Phe - Glu - Leu - Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg - Al a - Phe ( FELRYRRAF ) . 
Said sequence corresponds to residues 97 - 105 of the Bcl-xL 

Additional sequences which may be considered as suitable 
death inhibitors are : 

Phe - Ser - Arg - Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg - Asp - Phe ( FSRRYRRDF ) 

Said sequence corresponds to residues 104 - 112 of the Bel -2 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 



Phe-Glu-Thr-Arg-Phe-Arg-Arg-Thr-Phe (FETRFRRTF) . 
Said sequence corresponds to residues 53 61 of the Bcl-w 

i The present invention consists also in pharmaceutical 
compositions comprising as active ingredient of the RY- peptide, 
as defined above. 

In a preferred embodiment the. pharmaceutical composition 
comprises in addition to the RY-peptide a pharmaceutical^ 
acceptable carrier . 

The pharmaceutical compositions may be, e.g. tablets, 
capsules, solutions, emulsions, etc. The carriers may be selected 

among any suitable components, e.g. solvents; emulgators; ( 

excipients; talc; flavors; colors; etc. The pharmaceutical 
composition may comprise, if desired, also other pharmaceutical^ 
active compounds . 

The amount of the RY protein incorporated in the pharmaceu- 
tical composition may vary widely. The factors which have to be^ 
considered when determining the precise amount are known to those 
skilled in the art. Such factors include, inter alia, the pharma- 
ceutical carrier being part of the composition, the route of 
administration being employed and the frequency with which ,the 
composition is to be administered. 

The pharmaceutical composition may be administered by any of 
the known methods, inter alia, per os, intravenous, 'intraper- 
tioneal, intramuscular or subcutaneous or topical administration. 

.The present invention further consists in the use of a RY- 
peptide or of a pharmaceutical composition as defined above in 
-the preparation of a medicament, in particular for the modulation 
of cell death. 

The present invention also consists in a method for' the 
treatment of disorders of inappropriate activation of apoptosis 
, by a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical composition as defined 
above . 

The present invention ? also consists in a method for 
increasing the number of viable cells in a biological tissue by 
a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical composition as defined above. 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

* - 10 

A .cellular assay system for the activity of the major 
members of the Bcl-2 family, e.g. Bcl-2 and Bax, and ' their 
interactive effects has been constructed in cultured cell lines. 
(This assay may be used for any member of the Bcl-2 family and 
for checking the combined effect of each 2 members of this 
family.) This simple and rapid assay system may be useful in 
testing the effect of various compounds in modulation of this 
powerful regulator of cell survival. f 

This assay is based on transient transfection of cultured 
cells (e.g./ HeLa cells, SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. PC12, 
pheochromocytoma cells, 29 3 kidney cells, primary neuronal cells 
etc.) , via electroporation or cationic-lipid- mediated transfec- 
tion, by an expression vector, harboring a reporter gene (e.g. 
the gene encoding for beta-galactosidase , or the gene encoding 
for luciferase) . Based on the consideration that gene expression 
requires high level of function and integrity of cellular 
systems, a direct correlation can be drawn between the activity 
of the protein encoded by the reporter gene, and the survival 
rates of the transfected cells. The reporter gene is co-transfec- * 
ted with a' second expression vector, carrying either the bcl-2 or 
bax genes, therefore affecting the cellular apoptotic threshold 
. towards life or death, respectively. In addition, transfection of 
cells with a combination of both bcl-2 and bax genes is per- 
formed, to examine the activity of each of these two proteins in 
opposing the death- inhibitory or promot ing-ef f ect of the other, 

respectively. * 

For- the detection of the effects of compounds (hereinafter 
called "test compounds") as potential modulators of the activity 
of the Bcl-2 system, each test compound is tested by one of two 
-modes of administration into the cells: 

A. Small, membrane permeable test compound particles are 
administrated by addition to the extracellular medium; and 

B. Cell membrane- impermeable small test compound particles are 
administered by electroporation or by liposome -mediated 
transfection . 

Sould the test compound be a peptide it may be tested by the 
following mode of administration into the cells: 

Small peptides are constructed into expression vectors that 

WO 99/43701 A. PCT/IL99/00096 

The present invention also consists in a method for enhan- 
cement of the survival of biological cells by a RY-peptide or by 
a pharmaceutical composition as defined above. 

Moreover, the present invention further consists in a method 
for the preparation of a RY-peptide of general formula I which 
comprises attaching the corresponding amino acids, one after the 
other, onto a f unct ionalized resin, by the following steps: 

a. sythesizing the sequence of.Fmoc (9-fluorenyl methoxyc- 
arbonyl) -N alpha -protected amino acids activated in situ 
in' a suitable synthesizer and coupling same to a 
preloaded resin, removing the protecting group and 
repeating the coupling and deprotecting steps until the 
entire peptide synthesis has been finalized; 
.b. cleaving the peptide from the resin,; and ^ 
c. purifying the peptide obtained in step b. 
The synthesizing step is preferably performed by using an 
ABT (Applied Biosystems U.K.) 433A synthesizer. 

The coupling reagent is preferably HBTU/HOBt (benzotriazole- 
N,N,N' ,N' -tetramethyl-uroniumhexafuorophosphate / N-hydroxybenz - . 
otriazole)' . 

Preferably 3 equivalents of each of the activated amino acid 
is used in each coupling step 

The activation is preferably performed by HBTU/HOBt. 

The resin used is a Wang resin or a 2-chlorotrityl resin. 

The cleaving operation is preferably performed by acido- 

lysis. 4 

The peptide obtained in step.b. is advantageously purified 
by RP- HPLC (Reversed Phase - High Performance Liquid Chromatog- 
raphy) . 

The peptide obtained in step c. is advantageously charac- 
terized using HPLC, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and/or fast 
atomic bombardment -mass spectra (FAB-MS) . 

The sequence of amino acids as defined in general formula 1 
may be connected to methionine . by methods known per se such as 
. chemical- or biological molecular methods.' 

There has also been developed an in vitro assay system for 
the evaluation of the regulation of cell death by the Bcl-2 
family of proteins. For this purpose: 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


contain DNA sequences, encoding for the desired peptide ; 

said peptide is transf ected into the cells via elebtrop- 

oration or cationic-lipid-mediated transf ect ion . 

Potential inhibitors of cell death are evaluated in this 
system by measuring their ability to overcome bax- induced death 

Potential triggers of apoptosis are assessed in this system 
by measuring their ability to induce cell death by themselves, 
their activity in counteracting Bel -2 activity, and /or their 
"effect in augmenting Bax cellular toxicity. 

The present invention thus also consists in an in vitro 
assa y system for the regulation of cell death by the Bcl-2 family 
of test compounds (as herein defined), which comprises: 

a. transient transf ection of cultured cells via electro- 
poration or cationic- lipid mediated transfection by an 
expression vector, harboring a reporter gene; 

b. co-transf ecting the reporter gene with a second expres- 
sion vector, carrying either the death inhibitor or the 
death inducer genes, thus affecting the cellular 

• apoptotic threshold towards life or death, respective- 

c. performing transfection of cells with a combination of 
both the death inhibitor and the death inducer genes to 
examine the. activity of each of these two proteins in 
opposing the death- inhibitory or promoting-ef f ect of 
the other, respectively; 4 

d. testing the effects of the test compounds as potential 
modulators of the activity of the Bcl-2 system, ; by 
testing each test compound by one of the following two 
modes of administration into the cells: 

e. 1. small, membrane permeable test compound particles 

are administered by addition to the extracellular 

2. cell membrane- impermeable small test compound 
particles are administered by electroporation or 
by liposome -mediated transfection; r 

f. evaluating the potential of the test compounds to 
inhibit cell death by measuring their ability to 

WO 99/43701 — PCT/IL99/00096 

overcome bax-induced death process; and 
g. assessing the potential of the test compounds to 
trigger apoptosis by measuring their ability to induce 
death by . themselves , their activity in counteracting 
Bcl-2 activity, and /or their effect in augmenting Bax 
cellular toxicity. 
Sould the test compound be a peptide it may be tested by the 
following mode of administration into the cells: 

Small peptides are constructed into expression vectors which 
contain* DNA sequences, encoding for the desired peptide; 
said peptide being transfected into cells via electropo- 
ration or cationic- lipid-mediated transf ection; 
Said in vitro assay will be exemplified in detail for a test 
compound being a peptide hereinafter in example 3 . b . 3 . 

-The present invention will now be illustrated with reference 
to the following Examples and the accompanying Figs, without 
being limited by same. (The RY peptide illustrated in the 
Examples and Figs . is, Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe 
{ FELRYRRAF } . ) 


Example 1; . Synthesis of a RY Peptide: 

Peptide synthesis was performed using ABI 433A peptide 
synthesizer with HBTU/HOBt (benzotriazole-N, N, N' ,N' - tetramethyl- 
uronium hexaf uorophosphate/N-hydroxybenzoJcriazole) coupling 
reagents. Amino acids used • were .Fmoc (9-fluorenyl methoxycar- 
bonyl) -N alpha -protected. Trif unctional amino acids were side-chain 
protected as follows: Arg [Pmc ( 2 , 2 , 5 , 7 , 8 -pentamethyl chroman-6- 

- sulphonyl) ] , Tyr [tBu (tertbutyl) ] , Glu [OtBu (terbutyl-ester ) ] . 
33 0 jimol of .preloaded Wang resin were placed in the reaction 
vessel. Each Fmoc amino acid was activated in situ using 

-HOBt/HBTU, and subsequently coupled to the resin for 50 mm. 
DIEA (Diisopropylethylamine) was used* during coupling as a non 
nucleophilic base. The Fmoc protecting group on the alpha-amme 
was then removed with 20% piperidine in NMP (N-methyl pyrrolidon- 
e) for 20 min . Three equivalents of the activated amino acids 
were employed in the coupling reactions. The deprotection and 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 



coupling steps were repeated with the addition of each subsequent 
amino acid until the peptide synthesis was completed. The' final 
amino acid was deprotected using 20% piperidine in NMP, the 
peptide-resin was washed with NMP , followed by DCM (Dichlorome- 
thane) , and dried in vacuum. 

Cleavage from the solid support 

A cleavage mixture consisting of TFA (Trif luoroacetic acid) 
97.5% and T1S (Triisopropylsilane ) 2.5% was added to the peptide- 
resin obtained in the previous step (20 ml cleavage mixture to 1 
gr resin) . The solution was stirred at room temperature for 6 0 
min. The resultant slurry (resin) was filtered using a sintered 
glass filter. The resin was washed twice with TFA. The filtrate 
was concentrated to a volume of 1 ml using stream of nitrogen. 
Following the addition of cold diethyl ether (20 ml) the' solution 
was cooled in an ice bath. After 6 0 min. the peptide was 
precipitated by centrif ugation, washed with cold ether and dried 
in vacuum. 

Purification and characterization 
The peptide obtained in the previous step was purified by RP-HPLC, 
(reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography) on C 18 5 
jim Phenomenex Kromasil column (10 mm I . D . X 25 cm) . Samples were 
eluted using the following gradient: 

(A): distilled H 2 0, 0.05% TFA; (B) : acetonitrile 0.05% TFA; 
(X=214 NM; Flow 5 ml /min. The extent of purity for each peptide 
was monitored by rechromatography on C 18 5 /xm Phenomenex Kromasil 
column (4.6 mm I.D. X 25 cm) analytical column, flow 1 ml /min. 
Characterization of the peptides- -was performed by FAB-MS (Fast 
atomic bombardment -Mass spectra) . 

The Peptide H-Phe-Glu-Leu- Arg-Tyr- Arg- Arg- Ala- Phe-OH : 
After purification, the peptide obtained in the previous 
step was of 86.1% purity, as shown in Figure 2 (non calibrated 
RP-HPLC, acetonitrile/water 0.1% TFA gradient from 5% to 50% 
acetonitrile at 30 min) . FAB-MS calcd. m/z for C 59 H 89 N 18 0 13 (MH + ) 
1257.7, found 1258.4 (Figure 3). 

Example 2 ; Construction of expression plasmid encoding 

RY peptide 

Construction of RY peptide -coding vector was done by means 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


of. polymerase chain, reaction (PCR), and consisted of two steps: 
1. Construction in pIRES-EGFP expression vector. 

The nucleotide sequence encoding the 9 amino acids of the RY 
peptide was included in a larger oligonucleotide, with both ends 
matching the sequences of the multi-cloning site of the expres- 
sion vector pIRES-EGFP (Clontech) . The sequence of this oligonu- 
cleotide was : 



In this oligonucleotide, the bold and underlined letters 
designate nucleotides encoding for the RY peptide, and the 
nucleotides before and after, are homologues to nucleotides 930- 
949 and 950-969 of the expression vector, respectively. In 
addition, this oligonucleotide included recognition sites for the 
restriction enzymes EcoRI (external to the peptide -coding 
sequence) and Paul (in the peptide coding sequence) . In addition, 
this oligonucleotide also included sequences coding for the amino 
acid Methionine, immediately preceding the sequence of the RY 
peptide, to serve as a starting site for protein translation, and 
a translation stop codon, immediately following the sequence of 

the RY peptide. 

A second oligonucleotide contained sequences homologous to 
bases 1275-1250 of the expression vector. The sequence of this 
this oligonucleotide, the recognition site for the restriction 
enzyme PstI was introduced, before (5'. to)' tphe vector homologous 
sequences. Both oligonucleotides ■ were used in a PCR reaction, 
using the vector pIRES-EGFP as a template. PCR reactions were 
carried out as described by Ho SN et al . (Gene 77:51-59, 1989) . 

Following the PCR reaction,- the reaction product was 
purified by gel electorphoresis in agarose, followed by purifica- 
tion with a Qiaquick PCR purification kit (Qiagene) . The fragment 
obtained was then digested with the restriction enzymes EcoRI and 
PstI," and ligated into the vector pIRES-EGFP, digested with the 
same enzymes. The identity of the RY peptide coding vector was 
confirmed by DNA sequence analysis. 

2. Construction in the pcDNA3.1 expression vector: 

The DNA fragment encoding for the RY peptide was then 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


al . , Neuropharmacology 35:571-578, 1996). The a'poptosis- 
triggering effect of dopamine has been observed in numerous 
cell types including Hela cells, and these effects have been 
shown to be blocked by forced ectopic over expression of 
Bcl-2 (Ziv I, et al . , Apoptosis 2:149-155, 1997 ; Offen D, et 
al., Cell Mol Neurobiol 17:289-304. 1997). 

2. Apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide: Exposure 
to hydrogen peroxide has been shown to induce apoptotic cell 
death in various cell types (Hoyt KR et al . , Neurochem Res 
22:333-340, 1997; Li PF et al . , 404: 249-252, 1997; Forrest 
V j et al., Free Rad Biol Med 16:675-684, 1994). 

3. Apoptosis induced by Bax. This model utilizes an in 
vitro assay system for regulation of cell death by the Bcl-2 
family of proteins: Cells were grown as described above in 
example 3a. Cells from log phase of growth were harvested 
using trypsin / EDTA and resuspended at a density of 5.0 x 
10 6 cells/ml in 400 fil PBS. Cell suspension was then 
transferred to electroporation chambers containing a marker 
plasmid (pCDNA/Lac z) encoding beta-galactosidase as a 
reporter gene (10 fig) + a control plasmid (pCDNA) , to bring 
total plasmid quantity to 23 micrograms + one of the follow- 
ing regimens : 

1. An expression plasmid, encoding Bcl-2 (0.42 fig) . - 

2. An expression plasmid, encoding Bax (0.42 fig) . 

3. Bel -2 -encoding plasmid+Bax- encoding plasmid (o:42 fig 
each) . ■* 

4. Test compound, or an expression plasmid encoding for 
the test peptide + either Bel - 2 -encoding plasmid or 
Bax-encoding plasmid or both. 

5. Control: only the marker plasmid. 

After one minute of incubation, electroporation was 
performed at 1050 fiF and 220 V for a duration of 10-30 ms , 
using an Equibio gene pulser. Cells from the cuvettes were 
then pooled into a complete medium with 10% FCS, and lxlO 6 
cells were aliquoted into 3 . 5 cm plates. At 18 hours post- 
transfection, cell viability was assessed through measure- 
ment of beta-galactosidase activity by standard methods 
(Sambrook, Fritch, Maniatis, Molecular cloning; A laboratory 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


subcloned into the expression vector pcDNA3.1, following its 
rescue from pIRES-EGFP by ' digestion with EcoRI and MscI restric- 
tion enzymes. The fragment was purified as described in the above 
step 1, and ligated into pcDNA3 . 1 that was precut with Hindlll, 
filled- in with Klenow enzyme, and then digested with EcoRI . 
Identity of the RY peptide -encoding plasmid was verified by 
restriction with Paul, an enzyme having a unique restriction site 
present only in the RY-peptide coding sequence. This vector was 
used for the transfection studies. All standard molecular 
biology procedures were carried out as described in Sambrook et 
al, (Sambrook, Fritch, Maniatis, Molecular cloning; A laboratory 
manual, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press,, pp 16.66, 1989). 

Example 3 : Methods for evaluation of the cell survival - 

promoting effect of RY peptide 

a. Cell cultures: 

1. HeLa cells: Human cervical carcinoma cells (HeLa) 
were grown in . Dulbecco' s modified Eagle's medium 

(DMEM) , supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) ; 
and 1% penicillin- streptomycin-Nystat in solution 
(Biological Industries, Israel), and 1% L-Glutamine 
solution (2 mM, biological Industries, Israel) . Cells 
were grown in monolayer at 3 7°C in 5% CO z . 

2. Kidney 293 cells (T) : Human embryonic kidney 293 
cells were grown in the conditions described for the 
HeLa cells. * 

h. Models of apoptosis: 

Three model systems of cell death were used: 
1. Apoptosis induced by dopamine: Exposure of cells to 
dopamine at 100-500 micromolar for -24 hours induces cell 
death characteristic of apoptosis (Ziv I, et al . , Neurosci 
Lett 170:136-140, 1994; Of fen D, et al . , Biochim Biophys 
-Acta 1268:171-177, 1995; Masserano JM,.. et al . , Mol Pharmacol 
50:1309-1315, 199 6; Shirvan A, et al . , J. Neurochem 69:539- 
549, 1997; Corona V., et al . , J • Neurochem 69:1870-1881, 
- 1997; Velez-Pardo C, et al . , Pharmacol Toxicol 80:76-84, 
• 1997; Shinkai T, .et al . , J Neurosci Res. 393-399, 1997; 
Simantov R , et al . , Neuroscience 74 : 39-50 , 1996 ; Gabby M, et 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


manual, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, pp 16.66, 
19 89) . OD values were expressed as percent of control, and 
statistical significance was evaluated by appropriate 
parametric or non-parametric statistical tests. 

As shown, in Figure 4, induced- expression of Bcl-2. in 
this system increases cell viability. Conceivably, it - 
reflects the activity of Bcl-2 in inhibition of naturally- 
occurring cell death in culture and/or inhibition of cell 
death induced by the electroporation procedure. By con- 
trast, as also shown in Figure 4, Bax manifests a marked 
death- inducing effect, and this cell-killing effect of Ba^c 
can be markedly counteracted by co- transf ection with Bcl-2. 
This in vitro assay system therefore reproduces effectively 
the expected activity of these major members of the Bcl-2 
family (Oltvai ZN et al . , Cell 74:609-619, 1993 ; Han J et 
al.. Genes Dev 10:461-477, 1996; Zha H et al . , Mol Cell Biol 
16 : 6494-6508 , 1996) . 

Example 4 : RY peptide inhibits dopamine- induced cell; 


The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the ability 
of RY peptide to inhibit cell death induced by dopamine in HeLa 

cells. * 

Methods: RY peptide was synthesized as described above in 
Example 1, and introduced into the cells with the reporter 
plasmid pCDNA/Lac-z, by the electroporation procedure 1 as 
described above in Example 3.b.2. Five hours after electroporat- 
ion, cells were exposed to dopamine (150/iM and 300/xM, Sigma, 
Ltd., Israel) for 18 hours. Cell viability was then evaluated by 
.the measurement of the beta-galactosidase activity, as specified 
above . 

Results: As described in Figure 5, dopamine induced a dose- 
dependent cell death, reflected by reduction of cell survival to 
3 0.8 + 6.0 and 8.4 + 7.0 percent of -control, following exposure 
to 150 and 3 00 ptM of dopamine, respectively, for 18 hours. RY 
peptide manifested a marked protective effect against dopamine 
toxicity, raising cell survival rates to 75.4+9.0 % and 40.2+ 
8.0% respectively (P<0.001). 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

t 18 


Conclusion: RY peptide is a potent inhibitor of dopamine- 
induced cell death, as evaluated in this experimental system. 

Example 5; RY peptide increases cell survival rate and 

inhibits Bax- induced cell death, thus mim- 
icking the effect of Bcl-2. 

The objective of this experiment was to test the effect of 
RY peptide on cell survival, in the in vitro assay for regulation 
of cell death by the. Bcl-2 system. 

Methods: An expression plasmid, encoding the RY peptide (synthe- 
sized as described above in Example 2) was used. The plasmid was 
then introduced into the assay system of the Bcl-2 proteins, as 
described above in Example 3.b.3. ) 
Results: As shown in Figure 6, cells transfected by electropor- 
ation with RY peptide manifested markedly enhanced cell viability 
as compared to controls, similar to the effect of Bcl-2 (Figure 
4) . Moreover) RY peptide tranf ection conferred marked protection 
against Bax death- inducing effect, reflected by a cell survival: 
rate of 71.4 + 9.4% of control, versus 37.0 + 2.2% (p<0.001), 
similar to the effect of Bcl-2. 

Conclusion: As evaluated in this experimental system, RY 
increases cell survival following electroporation and inhibits 
the death- inducing effect of Bax. These effects may be therefore 
regarded as mimicking the effect of Bcl-2. 

Example 6 : RY peptide inhibits cell-killing effect of 

Bax on embryonic kidney 293T cells 

The objective of this experiment was to show the effect of 
.RY peptide in counteracting the cell -killing effect of Bax, in a 
different model system (non-HeLa cells, non- elect roporat ion- 
mediated transf ection) . 

Methods: . Human embryonic kidney 293T cells were grown as 
specified in Example 3. a. Cells. were co- transf ected using the 
Superfect Transf ection Kit (Quiagen) , with 5 M9 total DNA of the 
following effectors: pCDNA/Lac-z reporter plasmid and one of the 

1) . Expression plasmid encoding RY peptide. 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


2) . Expression plasmid encoding Bax. 

3) . Expression plasmids, encoding Bax and RY peptide*. 
After 18 hours, the cells v/ere harvested for beta-galactosi- 

dase activity assay. 

Results: As shown in Figure 7, the RY peptide was markedly 
active in counteracting Bax toxicity. 

Conclusion: RY peptide is a potent inhibitor of Bax cell-killing 
effect in this experimental system. 

Example. 7 : RY peptide inhibits hyfrogen peroxide toxic- 

ity in Hela cells 

The objective of this experiment was to examine the ability 
of RY peptide to inhibit cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide 
in HeLa cells. 

Methods: Two methods for administration of RY peptide were 

1) Hela cells were co- transf ected (via electroporation) , 
with two expression vectors: (1) Expression vector encoding 
for the reporter gene beta-galactosidase . (2). Expression; 
vector encoding for RY peptide (as described in Example 2) . 

2) Hela cells were co- transf ected (via electroporation) , 
with the expression vector encoding for beta-galactosidase 
and with the synthetic RY peptide (as described in Example 
1) - 

Five hours after the electroporation procedure, cells were tested 
with lOOjzM and 200^M of hydrogen peroxide (Mprck, Inc. USA) , for 
18 hours. 

As described in Figures 8A and 8B, hydrogen peroxide 
treatment reduced cell survival rate to 20.4±2.8 and 5.8±2.1 
.percent of control (mean ± SD) , respectively. RY peptide, both 
plasmid-encoded and synthetic peptide, manifested a marked 
protective effect. Cell survival rate in the presence of hydrogen 
peroxide and plasmid-encoded RY peptide was increased to 53.9±9 .3 
and 15.3+4.2 percent of control, respectively. Protective effect 
of synthetic RY peptide was reflected 'by increase, of cell 
survival rate to 53.3±8.8 and 33.4±3.7%, respectively (p<0.001) . 

Figure Legends : 

. WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


Figure 1: Structure of the RY region 

NMR solution three-dimensional structure of Bcl-xL (Muchmore 
SW, et . al . , Nature 381: 335-341, 1996) was extracted from the 
Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, Accession No. 1LXL. The RY region 
(Phe97-Phl05) , is marked. As shown, this small region is located 
on the outer surface of the protein, forming an almost closed 

Figure 2: RP-HPCL of the purified RY peptide. 

RP-HPLC- (Reversed phase high performance liquid chromato- 
graphy) of purified RY peptide (H-Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg- Tyr-Arg- Arg- 
Ala-Phe-OH) . The peptide was analysed on C 18 -5 Phenomenex 
Kromasil column (4.6 mm. l-.D. X 25 cm) . A sample was eluted using 
the following gradient: A, distilled H 2 0 0.05% TFA (Trifluor- 
oacetic acid) / ; Acetonitrile 0.05% TFA; X=214; flow 1 ml/min. 
t = 0%B=5 t = 30min %B = 50 . The numbers on the y axis indicate mili 
absorbance units. The numbers on the X axis indicate minutes. The 
numbers on the peaks of the graph indicate the retention time. 

Figure 3: MS- (FAB) of the purified RY peptide 

MS- (FAB) (Mass spectra-Fast atomic bombardment) of purified 
H-Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe-OH. The numbers on the y 
axis indicate the relative ion abundance of the ms detector-: On 
the x axis the mass per charge M/z is calculated for C 59 H 8g N 18 0 13 
(MH + ) 1257.7, and the M/z found was 1258.4. 


Figure 4 : ' In vitro assay system for the Bcl-2 family 
of proteins 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected with a beta-galactosidase 
-reporter plasmid in combination with either a control plasmid 
(vector) , • a plasmid expressing Bcl-2 or Bax, or both plasmids 
expressing Bcl-2 and Bax, using electroporation procedure. Cell 
viability was assessed at 18 hours past the electroperotion, by 
measurement of beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 5 : RY peptide protects HeLa cells against 
dopamine toxicity : 

Synthetic RY peptide was introduced into HeLa cells with a 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


beta-galactosidase reporter plasmid by electroporation. After 
five hours, cells were exposed to dopamine (150/iu and 300/iM, 
Sigma, Ltd., Israel) for 18 hours. Cell viability was then 
evaluated by measurement of the beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 6 : RY peptide increases cell survival rate and inhibits 
Bax- induced cell death, thus mimicking the effect 
of Bcl-2. 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected by electroporation with an 
expression plasmid encoding the RY peptide and a beta-galactosi- 
dase reporter plasmid, and introduced into the assessment system 
of the Bel -2 proteins, as described above in Example 3.b.3 and 
Figure 4 . Cell viability was evaluated 18 hours after the 
electroporation by measurement of beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 7: RY peptide inhibits cell-killing effect of Bax 
on embryonic kidney 293T cells 

Human embryonic kidney 293T cells were co- transf ected by 
electroporation with a reporter plasmid encoding beta-galactosi- 
dase, in combination with either an expression plasmid encoding 
RY peptide; an expression plasmid encoding Bax; or expression 
plasmids encoding Bax and RY peptide. Cell viability yas 
evaluated after 18 hours , by measurement of beta-galactosidase 

Figure 8A: Plasmid- encoded RY peptide protects against 

hydrogen peroxide toxicity* 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected via electroporation with an 
.expression plasmid encoding for RY peptide, together with a 
reporter plasmid encoding for beta-galactosidase. Five hours 
after electroporation, cells were treated with either IOOjxM or 
200/zM of hydrogen peroxide (HP) for 18 hours. Cell viability was 
then evaluated by determining beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 8B : Synthetic RY peptide protects r against hydrogen 

peroxide toxicity. 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected via electroporation with RY 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

22 / 


synthetic peptide, together with a reporter plasmid encoding for 
beta-galactosidase . Five hours after electroporation, cell£ were 
treated, with either lOO^M or 200/xM of hydrogen peroxide (HP) for 
18 hours. Cell viability was then evaluated by determining beta- 
galactosidase activity. 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


Claims : 

1. An isolated and purified peptide of the RY domain having an 
amino acid sequence of general formula I comprising a 
sequence of the following amino acids: 

X : - X 2 - X 3 - X 4 - X x - X 4 - X 4 - X 3 - Xj I 
Xi = Phe, Tyr, or any amino acid having a substituted 

aromatic residue; 
X 2 = Glu, Asp, Ser, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -COO" 

residue, wherein n = 0-3; 
X 3 = Asp, Thr, any aliphatic amino acid, or any of amino 

acids X 4 ; and 

. X 4 = Arg, Lys, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -NH 3 + 
residue, or a - (CH 2 ) n -NH-C (NH 3 * ) NH 2 residue wherein n = 

as well as functional equivalents thereof. 

2. A peptide according to Claim 1, wherein Methionine (Met) is 
connected to the N-terminal of the sequence of general 
formula I . 

3 . A peptide according to Claim 1 or 2 wherein in the sequence 
of general formula I, the sequence is 
X 4 - X x - X 4 - X 4 stands for Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg. 

4. A peptide according to Claim 3, wherein the sequence is 
preceded by X 3 = Arg. 

5. A peptide according to any of Claims 1 to 4 , wherein the 
substituted aromatic residue of X x is Phenyl- (CH 2 ) n - . 

6. A peptide according to any of Claims to 5 , wherein the 
aliphatic amino acid of X 3 is- selected among Leu, lie, Ala, 

Gly and Val . 

7 . Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe . 

8 . Phe-Ser-Arg-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Asp-Phe . 

9 . Phe-Glu-Thr-Arg-Phe-Arg-Arg-Thr-Phe . 

10. A pharmaceutical composition comprising as active ingredient 
a RY peptide according to any of Claims 1 to 9 or a func- 
tional equivalent thereof. 

11. A pharmaceutical composition according to Claim 10 compris- 
ing a pharmaceutical acceptable carrier. 

12. The use of the RY peptide or of a pharmaceutical composition 
according to any of Claims 1 to 11 in the preparation of a 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


medicament . 

13 . A method for the treatment of disorders of inappropriate 

activation of apotosis by a RY peptide or by a pharmaceuti- 
cal composition according to any of Claims 1 to 11.. 

14 . A method for increasing the number of viable cells in a 

biological tissue by a RY-peptide or. by a pharmaceutical 
composition according to any of Claims 1 to 11 . 

15. A method for the enhancement for the survival of biological 
cells by" a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical composition 
according to any of Claims 1 to 11 . 

16. A method for the preparation of a RY-peptide of general 
formula I according to Claim 1, which comprises attaching 
the corresponding amino acids, one after the other, onto a 
f unctionalized resin, by the following steps: 

a. sythesising the sequence of Fmoc (9-fluorenyl methox- 
ycarbonyl) -N alpha -protected amino acids activated in situ 
in a suitable synthesizer and coupling same to a 
preloaded resin, removing the protecting group and 
repeating the coupling and deprotecting steps until the 
entire peptide synthesis has been finalized; 

b. cleaving the peptide from the resin,; and 

c. purifying the peptide obtained in step b. 

17. A method according to Claim 16, wherein the synthesizing 
step is performed by using an ABI (Applied Biosystems U.K.) 
433 A synthesizer. 

18. A method- according to Claim 16 or 17, '^herein the coupling 
reagent is HBTU/HOBt (benzotriazole-N, N, N' , N' - tetramethyl- 
uronium hexaf uorophosphate/N-hydroxybenzotriazole ) . 

19. A method according to any of Claims 16 to 18, wherein 3 
equivalents of each of the activated amino acids is used in 
each coupling step. 

20. A method according to any of Claims 16 to 19, wherein the 
resin is selected among a Wang resin and a 2 -chlorotrityl 

21. An isolated and purified peptide of the RY domain haying an 
amino acid sequence of general formula I as defined in Claim 
1 and 2, substantially as herein described with reference to 
the examples . 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

* 25 

An in vitro assay system for the regulation of cell death by 
the Bcl-2 family of test compounds (as hereinbefore de- 
fined) , which comprises: 

a. transient transfection of cultured cells via electro- 
poration or cationic-lipid mediated transfection by an 
expression vector, harboring a reporter gene; 

b. co- transf ecting the reporter gene with a second expres- 
sion vector, carrying either the death inhibitor or the 
death inducer genes, thus affecting the cellular 
apoptotic threshold towards life or death, respective- 

c. performing transfection of cells with a combination of 
both the death inhibitor and the death inducer genes to 
examine the activity of each of these two proteins in 
opposing the death- inhibitory or promot ing-ef f ect of 
the other, respectively; 

d. testing the effects of the test compounds as potential 
modulators of the activity of the Bcl-2 system, by 
testing each test compound by one of the following two 
modes of administration into the cells : 

e. 1. small, membrane permeable test compound particles 

are administered by addition to the extracellular 

2. cell membrane- impermeable small test compound 
particles are administered by electroporation or 
by liposome-mediated transfection; 

f. evaluating the potential of the test compounds to 
inhibit cell death by measuring their ability to 
overcome bax- induced death process; and 

g. assessing the potential of the test compounds to 
trigger apoptosis by measuring their ability to induce 
death by themselves, their activity in counteracting 
Bcl-2 activity, and /or their effect in augmenting Bax 
cellular toxicity. 

3. An in vitro assay according to Claim' 22, wherein the test 
compound is a peptide. 

4. " An in vitro assay according to Claim 23, wherein the peptide 

may be tested in addition by constructing small peptides 

WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

into expression vectors which contain *DNA sequences, 
encoding for the desired peptide; said peptide 'being 
transfected into cells via electroporation or cationic- 
lipid-mediated transf ection . 
5. An in vitro assay system as defined in Claim 22, substan- 
tially as described in Example 3.b.3. 


WO 99/43701 AOT £A AnfflU^ PCT/IL99/00096 


An in vitro assay system for thie regulation of cell death by 
the Bcl-2 family of test compounds (as hereinbefore de- 
fined) , which comprises: 

a. transient transfection of cultured cells via electro- 
poration or cationic-lipid mediated transfection by an 
expression vector, harboring a reporter gene; 

b. co- transf ecting the reporter gene with a second expres- 
sion vector, carrying either the death inhibitor or the 
death inducer genes, thus affecting the cellular 
apoptotic threshold towards life or death, respective- 

c. performing transfection of cells with a combination of 
both the death inhibitor and the death inducer genes to 
examine the activity of each of these two proteins in 
opposing the death- inhibitory or promoting-ef f ect of 
the other, respectively; 

' d. testing the effects of the test compounds as potential 
modulators of the activity of the Bcl-2 system, by 
testing each test compound by one of the following two ;; 
modes of administration into the cells: 

e. 1. small, membrane permeable test compound particles 

are administered by addition to the extracellular 
medium ; 

2. cell membrane -impermeable small test compound 
particles are administered by electroporation or 
by liposome -mediated transfection; 

f. evaluating the potential of the test compounds to 
inhibit cell death by measuring their ability to 
overcome bax- induced death process; and 

g. assessing the potential of the test compounds to 
trigger apoptosis by measuring their ability to induce 
death by themselves, their activity- in counteracting 
Bcl-2 activity, and /or their effect in augmenting Bax 
cellular toxicity. , ' 

3. An in vitro assay according to Claim 22, wherein the test 
compound is a peptide. 

4. An in vitro assay according to Clajjm 23, wherein the peptide 
may be tested in addition by constructing small peptides 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


into expression vectors which contain DNA sequences, 
encoding for the desired peptide; said peptide being 
transfected into cells via electroporat ion or cationic- 
lipid-mediated transf ection . 
5. An in vitro assay system as defined in Claim 22, substan- 
tially as described in Example 3.b.3. 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, Accession No. 1LXL and 1MAZ, 
respectively) . These structural data also reveal that this 
small region forms an almost closed loop within the protein 
structure, with the Phel and Phe9 in close spatial proximi- 
ty, while the Arg side-chains face the outside of the 
protein (Figure 1) . 

4. Undergoing conformational change upon binding of Bcl-xL to 
a peptide from the BH3 region of a death inducer (Bak) ': 

A systematic comparison has been performed of the structure 
of the free Bcl-xL (Muchiuore SW, et al . , Nature 381:335-341, 
1996) and its structure upon binding to the BH3 peptide of 
Bak (Sattler M, et al . , Science 275:983-986, 1997). In its 
unbound conformation, the second helix of the protein encom- 
passes 15 amino acids ( Ala84 -Glu9 8 ) . The RY domain in this 
conformation is the loop described above (Fig. 1.) However, 
upon binding of the BH3 peptide of Bak to the hydrophobic 
cleft of Bcl-xL, the RY domain undergoes a conformational 
change and becomes a part of the second helix, which now 
extends to residue Argl03 (Sattler M, et al . , Science* 
275:983-986, 1997). Moreover, upon binding, several of the 
RY residues become engaged in interactions with the death- 
inducer peptide (i.e., Phe97 , ArglOO , TyrlOl, Phel05). 

5. Markedly different in cell death inhibitors vs. inducers: 
Death inhibitors : 

Bcl-xL : FELRYRRAF ( Phe -Glu-Leu - Arg - Ty r - Arg -Arg-Ala- Phe ) 
Bcl-2 : FSRRYRRDF ( Phe-Ser-Arg-Arg-T^yr-Arg-Arg-Asp- Phe ) 

Be 1 - w : FETRFRRTF ( Phe -Glu - Thr - Arg- Phe - Arg - Arg- Thr - Phe ) 

Death inducers : 

Bax : LDSNMEL (Leu-Asp-Ser- Asn-Met -Glu-Leu) 

Bak : INRRYDSEF ( I le - Asn- Arg- Arg-Tyr-Asp- Ser-Glu- Phe ) 

It has been found that the peptide FELRYRRAF is a potent 
inhibitor of cell death. 

The present invention thus consists in an isolated and 

purified peptide of the RY domain having an amino acid sequence 

of general formula I comprising a sequence' of the following amino 

acids: r 

X, - X 2 - X 3 - X 4 - X x - X 4 - X 4 - X 3 - X 2 I 

X 1 = Phe, Tyr, or any amino acid having a substituted 

WO 99/4370 1 PCT/IL99/00096 


aromatic residue; 
X 2 = Glu, Asp, Ser, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -COO' 

residue, wherein n = 0-3; 
X 3 - Asp, Thr, any aliphatic amino acid, or any of amino 

acids X 4 ; and 

X 4 = Arg, Lys, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -NIV 
residue, or a - (CH 2 ) R -NH-C (NH 3 + ) NK Z residue wherein n = 

as well as functional equivalents thereof. 

By 11 functional equivalents" is meant a compound possessing 
a biological activity or/and immunological characteristic similar 
to that of the RY domain of general formula 1. Said term includes 
fragments, variants analogs, homologs and chemical derivatives 
possessing such activity or characteristic. ; 

Any of the above amino acids may be either the D- or the L- 
isomer . 

The amino acid residues may also be residues of suitable 
synthetic amino acids. 

Methionine (Met) may be connected to the N- terminal of the.- 
sequence of general formula I and this sequence is also within 
the scope of the present invention. 

In an advantageous sequence of general formula I the 


X 4 - Xi - X 4 - X 4 stands for Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg; 

In a further embodiment said sequence is preceded by X 3 = 

Arg . 4 

The substituted aromatic residue of X, is preferably Phenyl- 

(CH 2 ) n -, wherein n = 0-3. 

The aliphatic amino acid of X 3 is preferably selected among 

'Leu, lie, Ala, Gly and Val . 

The preferred sequence according to the present invention is 
Phe -Glu- Leu -Arg -Tyr -Arg -Arg -Ala -Phe (FELRYRRAF) . 
Said sequence corresponds to residues 97 - 105 of the Bcl-xL 

Additional sequences which may be considered as suitable 
death inhibitors are : 

Phe - S e r - Arg - Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg - Asp - Phe ( FSRRYRRDF ) 

Said sequence corresponds to residues 104 - 112 of the Bel- 2 



* - WO 99/43701 PCIYIL99/00096 



Phe-Glu-Thr-Arg-Phe-Arg-Arg-Thr-Phe (FETRFRRTF) . 
Said sequence corresponds to residues 53 - 61 of the Bcl-w 
protein . 

. The present invention consists also in pharmaceutical 
compositions comprising as active ingredient of the RY- peptide, 
as defined above. 

In a preferred embodiment the. pharmaceutical composition 
comprises in addition to the RY-peptide a pharmaceutically 
acceptable carrier. 

The pharmaceutical compositions may be, e.g. tablets-, 
capsules, solutions, emulsions, etc. The carriers may be selected 

among any suitable components, e.g. solvents; e'mulgators ; 

excipients; talc; flavors; colors; etc. The pharmaceutical 
composition may comprise, if desired, also other pharmaceutically 
active compounds. 

The amount of the RY protein incorporated in the pharmaceu- 
tical composition may vary widely. The factors which have to be; 
considered when determining the precise amount are known to those 
skilled in the art. Such factors include, inter alia, the pharma- 
ceutical carrier being part of the composition, the route of 
administration being employed and the frequency with which .the 
composition is to be administered. 

The pharmaceutical composition may be administered by any of 
the known methods, inter alia, per os, intravenous, intraper- 
tioneal, intramuscular or subcutaneous or topical administration. 

The present invention further consists in the use of a RY- 
peptide or of a pharmaceutical composition as defined above in 
-the preparation of a medicament, in particular for the modulation 
of cell death. 

The present invention also consists in a method for the 
treatment of disorders of inappropriate activation of apoptosis 
by a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical composition as defined 
above . 

The present invention - also consists in a method for 
increasing the number of viable cells in a biological tissue by 
a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical composition as defined above. 



WO 99/4370 1 PCT/1L99/00096 


The present invention also consists in a method for enhan- 
cement of the survival of biological cells by a RY-peptide or by 
a pharmaceutical composition as defined above. 

Moreover, the present invention further consists in a method 
for the preparation of a RY-peptide of general formula I which 
comprises attaching the corresponding amino acids, one after the 
other, onto a functionalized resin, by the following steps: 

a. sythesizing the sequence of.Fmoc (9-fluorenyl methoxyc- 
arbonyl) -N alpha -protected .amino acids activated in situ 
in' a suitable synthesizer and coupling same to a 
preloaded resin, removing the protecting group and 
repeating the coupling and deprotecting steps until the 
entire peptide synthesis has been finalized; 

b. cleaving the peptide from the resin,; and 

c. purifying the peptide obtained in step b. 

The synthesizing, step is preferably performed by using an 
ABI (Applied Biosystems U.K.) 433A synthesizer. 

The coupling reagent is preferably HBTU/HOBt (benzotriazole- 
N,N,N' ,N' -tetramethyl-uroniumhexaf uorophosphate / N-hydroxybenz - 
otriazole ) . 

Preferably 3 equivalents of each of the activated amino acid 
is used in each coupling step 

The activation is preferably performed by HBTU/HOBt . 

The resin used is a Wang resin or a 2-chlorotrityl resin. 

The cleaving operation is preferably performed by acido- 

lysis. 4 

The peptide obtained in step.b. is advantageously purified 
by RP- HPLC (Reversed Phase - High Performance Liquid Chromatog- 
raphy) . 

The peptide obtained in step c. is advantageously charac- 
terized using HPLC, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and/or fast 
atomic bombardment -mass spectra (FAB-MS) . 

The sequence of amino acids as defined in general formula 1 
may be connected to methionine by methods known per se such as 
chemical or biological molecular methods. - 

There has also been developed an in vitro assay system for 
the evaluation of the regulation of cell death by the Bcl-2 
family of proteins. For this purpose: 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


overcome bax-induced death process; and 
g. assessing the potential of the test compounds to 
trigger apoptosis by measuring their ability to induce 
death by themselves, their activity in counteracting 
Bcl-2 activity, and /or their effect in augmenting Bax 
cellular toxicity. 
Sould the test compound be a peptide it may be tested by the 
following mode of administration into the cells: 

Small peptides are constructed into expression vectors which 
contain- DNA sequences, encoding for the. desired peptide; 
said peptide being transfected into cells via electropo- 
ration or cationic- lipid-mediated transf ect ion ; 
Said in vitro assay will be exemplified in detail for a test 
compound being a peptide hereinafter in example 3 . b . 3 . 

The present invention will now be illustrated with reference 
to the following Examples and the accompanying Figs, without 
being limited by same; (The RY peptide illustrated in the 
Examples and Figs . is. Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe 
{ FELRYRRAF } . ) 


Example 1 ; Synthesis of a RY Peptide: 

Peptide synthesis was performed using ABI 433A peptide 
synthesizer with HBTU/HOBt (benzotriazole-N, N, N' ,N' - tetramethyl- 
uroniura hexaf uorophosphate/N-hydroxybenzotriazole) coupling 
reagents. Amino acids used were Jmoc (9-fluorenyl methoxycar- 
bonyl) -N alpha -protected. Trif unctional amino acids were side-chain 
protected as follows: Arg [Pmc (2 , 2 , 5 , 7 , 8 -pentamethyl chroman-6- 
- sulphonyl) ] , Tyr [tBu (tertbutyl) ] , Glu [OtBu ( terbutyl -ester ) ] . 
33 0 ^mol of preloaded Wang resin were placed in the reaction 
vessel. Each Fmoc amino acid was activated in situ using 
HOBt/HBTU, and subsequently coupled to the resin for 50 min. 
DIEA (Diisopropylethylamine) was used during coupling as a non 
nucleophilic base. The Fmoc protecting group on the alpha- amine 
was then removed with 20% piperidine in NMP (N-methyl pyrrolidon- 
e) for 20 min. Three equivalents of the activated amino acids 
were employed in the coupling reactions. The deprotection and 



WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


coupling steps were repeated with the addition of each subsequent 
amino acid until the peptide synthesis was completed. The final 
amino acid was deprotected using 20% piperidine in NMP , the 
peptide-resin was washed with NMP, followed by DCM (Dichlorome- 
thane) , and dried in vacuum. 

Cleavage from the solid support 

A cleavage mixture consisting of TFA (Trif luoroacet ic acid) 
97. 5% and TIS (Triisopropylsilane ) 2.5% was added to the peptide- 
resin obtained in the previous step (20 ml cleavage mixture to 1 
gr resin). The solution was stirred at room temperature for 60 
min. The resultant slurry (resin) was filtered using a sintered 
glass filter. The resin was washed twice with TFA. The filtrate 
was concentrated to a volume of 1 ml using stream of nitrogen. 
Following the addition of cold diethyl ether (20 ml) the solution 
was cooled in an ice bath. After 6 0 min. the peptide was 
precipitated by centrif ugation, washed with cold ether and dried 

in vacuum. 

Purification and characterization 

The peptide obtained in the previous step was purified by RP-HPLC; 
(reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography) on C 18 5 
M m Phenomenex Kromasil column (10 mm I.D. X 25 cm) . Samples were 
eluted using the following gradient: 

(A): distilled H 2 0, 0.05% TFA; (B) : acetonitrile 0.05% TFA; 

(X=214 NM; Flow 5 ml/min. The extent of purity for each peptide 
was monitored by rechromatography on C 18 5 fim Phenomenex Kromasil 

column (4.6 mm I.D. X 25 cm) analytical column, flow 1 ml/min. 

Characterization of the peptides -was performed by FAB-MS (Fast 

atomic bombardment -Mass spectra) . 

The Peptide H-Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe-OH: 
After purification, the peptide obtained in the previous 

step was of 86.1% purity, as shown in Figure 2 (non calibrated 

RP-HPLC, acetonitrile/water 0.1% TFA gradient from 5% to 50% 

acetonitrile at 3 0 min) . FAB-MS calcd. m/z for C 59 H 89 N 1S 0 13 (MH + ) 

1257.7, found 1258.4 (Figure 3). 

Example 2: Construction of expression plasmid encoding 

RY peptide 

Construction of RY peptide -coding vector was done by means 



WO 99/4370 1 PCT/IL99/00096 


of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and consisted of two steps: 
1. Construction in pIRES-EGFP expression vector. 

The nucleotide sequence encoding the 9 amino acids of the RY 
peptide was included in a larger oligonucleotide, with both ends 
matching the sequences of the multi -cloning site of the expres- 
sion vector pIRES-EGFP (Clontech) . The sequence of this oligonu^ 
cleotide was: 


In this oligonucleotide, the bold and underlined letters 
designate nucleotides encoding for the RY peptide, and the 
nucleotides before and after, are homologues to nucleotides 930- 
949 and 950-969 of the expression vector, respectively. In 
addition, this oligonucleotide included recognition sites for the 
restriction enzymes EcoRI (external to the peptide-coding 
sequence) and Paul (in the peptide coding sequence) . In addition, 
this oligonucleotide also included sequences coding for the amino 
acid Methionine, immediately preceding the sequence of the RY 
peptide, to serve as a starting site for protein translation, and- 
a translation stop codon, immediately following the sequence of 
the RY peptide. 

A second oligonucleotide contained sequences homologous to 
bases 1275-1250 of the expression vector. The sequence of this 
this oligonucleotide, the recognition site for the restriction 
enzyme PstI was introduced, before (5' to) " the vector homologous 
sequences. Both oligonucleotides t were used in a PCR reaction, 
using the vector pIRES-EGFP as a template. PCR reactions were 
carried out as described by Ho SN et al . (Gene 77:51-59, 1989). 

Following the PCR reaction, the reaction product was 
purified by gel electorphoresis in agarose, followed by purifica- 
tion with a Qiaquick PCR purification kit (Qiagene) . The fragment 
obtained was then digested with the restriction enzymes EcoRI and 
PstI, and ligated into the vector pIRES-EGFP, digested with the 
same enzymes. The identity of the RY peptide coding vector was 
confirmed by DNA sequence analysis. 

2* Construction in the pcDNA3.1 expression vector: 

The DNA fragment encoding for the RY peptide was then 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


subcloned into the expression vector pcDNA3 . 1 , following its 
rescue from pIRES-EGFP by digestion with EcoRI and MscI restric- 
tion enzymes. The fragment was purified as described in the above 
step 1, and ligated into pcDNA3 . 1 that was precut with Hindlll, 
filled- in with Klenow enzyme, and then digested with EcoRI. 
Identity of the RY peptide -encoding plasmid was verified by 
restriction with Paul, an enzyme having a unique restriction site 
present only in the RY-peptide coding sequence. This vector was 
used for the transfection studies. All standard molecular 
biology procedures were carried out as described in Sambrook et 
al . (Sambrook, Fritch, Maniatis, Molecular cloning; A laboratory 
manual, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, pp 16.66, 1989). 

Example 3 ; Methods for evaluation of the cell survival - 

promoting effect of RY peptide 

a. Cell cultures: 

1. HeLa cells: Human cervical carcinoma cells (HeLa) 
were grown in. Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium 

(DMEM) , supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) 
and 1% penicillin-streptomycin-Nystatin solution 

(Biological Industries, Israel), and 1% L-Glutamine 
solution (2 mM, biological Industries, Israel) . Cells 
were grown in monolayer at 37°C in 5% C0 2 . 

2. Kidney 293 cells (T) : Human embryonic kidney 293 
cells were grown in the conditions described for the 
HeLa cells. ^ 

b. Models of apoptosis: 

Three model systems of cell death were used: 
1. Apoptosis induced by dopamine: Exposure of cells to 
dopamine at 100-500 micromolar for 24 hours induces cell 
death characteristic of apoptosis (Ziv I, et al . , Neurosci 
Lett 170:136-140, 1994; Of fen D, et al . , Biochim Biophys 
Acta 1268:171-177, 1995; Masserano JM, et al . , Mol Pharmacol 
50:1309-1315, 1996; Shirvan A, et al . , J- Neurochem 69:539- 
549, 1997; Corona V., et al . , J- Neurochem 69:1870-1881, 
1997; Velez-Pardo C, et al ., Pharmacol Toxicol 80:76-84, 
1997; Shinkai T, et al., J Neurosci Res. 393-399, 1997; 
Simantov R, et al . , Neuroscience 74:39-50, 1996; Gabby M, et 


WO 99/4370 1 PCT/IL99/00096 


manual, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, pp 16.66, 
1989) . OD values were expressed as percent of control/ and 
statistical significance was evaluated by appropriate 
parametric or non-parametric statistical tests. 

As shown in Figure 4, induced-expression of Bcl-2 in 
this system increases cell viability. Conceivably, it 
reflects the activity of Bcl-2 in inhibition of naturally- 
occurring cell death in culture and/or inhibition of cell 
death induced by the electroporation procedure. By con- 
trast, as also shown in Figure 4, Bax manifests a marked 
death- inducing effect, and this cell -killing effect of Ba^c 
can be markedly counteracted by co- transf ection with Bcl-2. 
This in vitro assay system therefore reproduces effectively 
the expected activity of these major members of the Bcl-2 
family (Oltvai ZN et al . , Cell 74:609-619, 1993 ; Han J et 
al., Genes Dev 10:461-477, 1996; Zha H et al . , Mol Cell Biol 
16 : 6494-6508 , 1996) . 

Example 4 ; RY peptide inhibits dopamine- induced cell; 


The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the ability 
of RY peptide to inhibit cell death induced by dopamine in HeLa 
cells . 

Methods: RY peptide was synthesized as described above in 
Example 1, and introduced into the cells with the reporter 
plasmid pCDNA/Lac-z, by the electroporation procedure as 
described above in Example 3.b.2. Five hours after electroporat- 
ion, cells were exposed to dopamine (lSO^M and 300/iM, Sigma, 
Ltd., Israel) for 18 hours. Cell viability was then evaluated by 
-the measurement of the beta-galactosidase activity, as specified 
above . 

Results: As described in Figure 5, dopamine induced a dose- 
dependent cell death, reflected by reduction of cell survival to 
30.8 + 6.0 and 8.4 + 7.0 percent of control , following exposure 
to 150 and 300 fM of dopamine, respectively, for 18 hours. RY 
peptide manifested a marked protective effect against dopamine 
toxicity, raising cell survival rates to 75.4+9.0 % and 40.2+ 
8.0% respectively (P<0.001). 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


Conclusion: RY peptide is a potent inhibitor of dopamine - 
induced cell death, as evaluated in this experimental system. 

Example 5: RY peptide increases cell survival rate and 

inhibits Bax- induced cell death, thus mim- 
icking the effect of Bcl-2. 

The objective of this experiment was to test the effect of 
RY peptide on cell survival, in the in vitro assay for regulation 
of cell death by the Bcl-2 system. 

Methods: An expression plasmid, encoding the RY peptide (synthe^ 
sized as described above in Example 2) was used. The plasmid was 
then introduced into the assay system of the Bcl-2 proteins, as 
described above in Example 3.b.3. 

Results: As shown in Figure 6, cells transfected by electropor- 
ation with RY peptide manifested markedly enhanced cell viability 
as compared to controls, similar to the effect of Bcl-2 (Figure 
4) . Moreover \ RY peptide tranfection conferred marked protection 
against Bax death- inducing effect, reflected by a cell survival: 
rate of 71.4 + 9.4% of control, versus 37.0 + 2.2% (p<0.001), 
similar to the effect of Bcl-2. 

Conclusion: As evaluated in this experimental system, RY 
increases cell survival following electroporation and inhibits 
the death- inducing effect of Bax. These effects may be therefore 
regarded as mimicking the effect of Bcl-2. 

Example 6 : RY peptide inhibits cell-killing effect of 

Bax on embryonic kidney 29 3T cells 

The objective of this experiment was to show the effect of 
RY peptide in counteracting the cell-killing effect of Bax, in a 
different model system (non-HeLa cells, non-electroporation- 
mediated transf ect ion) . 

Methods: - Human embryonic kidney 293T cells were grown as 
specified in Example 3. a. Cells were co- transf ected using the 
Superf ect Transf ection Kit (Quiagen) , with 5 fig total DNA of the 
following effectors: pCDNA/Lac-z reporter plasmid and one of the 
following : 

1). Expression plasmid encoding RY peptide. 


WO 99/4370 1 PCT/I L99/00096 


2) . Expression plasmid encoding Bax. 

3) . Expression plasmids, encoding Bax and RY peptide*. 
After 18 hours, the cells v/ere harvested for beta-galactosi - 

dase activity assay . 

Results: As shown in Figure 7, the RY peptide was markedly 
active in counteracting Bax toxicity. 

Conclusion: RY peptide is a potent inhibitor of Bax cell-killing 
effect in this experimental system. 

Example- 7 : RY peptide inhibits hyf rogen peroxide toxic- 

ity in Hela cells 

The objective of this experiment was to examine the ability 
of RY peptide to inhibit cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide 
in HeLa cells. 

Methods: Two methods for administration of RY peptide were 
employed : 

1) Hela cells were co- transf ected (via electroporation) , 
with two expression vectors: (1) Expression vector encoding 
for the reporter gene beta-galactosidase. (2). Expression; 
vector encoding for RY peptide (as described in Example 2) . 

2) Hela cells were co- transf ected (via electroporation) , 
with the expression vector encoding for beta-galactosidase 
and with the synthetic RY peptide (as described in Example 
1) . 

Five hours after the electroporation procedure, cells were tested 
with IOOjzM and 200/zM of hydrogen peroxide (Mprck, Inc. USA) , for 
18 hours. 

As described in Figures 8A and 8B, hydrogen peroxide 
treatment reduced cell survival rate to 2 0.4±2.8 and 5.8±2.1 
-percent of control (mean ± SD) , respectively. RY peptide, both 
plasmid-encoded and synthetic peptide, manifested a marked 
protective effect. Cell survival rate in the presence of hydrogen 
peroxide and plasmid-encoded RY peptide was increased to 53.9±9.3 
and 15.3±4.2 percent of control, respectively. Protective effect 
of synthetic RY peptide was reflected by increase of cell 
survival rate to 53.3±8.8 and 33.4±3.7%, respectively (p<0.001). 

Ficrure Legends : 


WO 99/43701 PCI7IL99/00096 


Figure 1: Structure of the RY region 

NMR solution three-dimensional structure of Bcl-xL (Miichmore 
SW,, Nature 381: 335-341, 1996) was extracted from the 
Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, Accession No. 1LXL. The RY region 
(Phe97-Phl05 ) , is marked. As shown, this small region is located 
on the outer surface of the protein, forming an almost closed 

Figure 2: RP-HPCL of the purified RY peptide. 

RP-HPLC- (Reversed phase high performance liquid chromato- 
graphy) of purified RY peptide (H-Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg- Tyr-Arg- Arg- 
Ala-Phe-OH) . The peptide was analysed on C 18 -5 ^ m Phenomenex 
Kromasil column (4.6 mm. I.D. X 25 cm) . A sample was eluted using 
the following gradient: A, distilled H 2 0 -0.05% TFA (Trifluor- 
oacetic acid) / ; Acetonitrile 0.05% TFA; X=214; flow 1 ml/min. 
t = 0%B=5 t = 30min %B = 50 . The numbers on the y axis indicate mili 
absorbance units. The numbers on the X axis indicate minutes. The 
numbers on the peaks of the graph indicate the retention time. 

Figure 3: MS- (FAB) of the purified RY peptide 

MS- (FAB) (Mass spectra-Fast atomic bombardment) of purified 
H-Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe-OH. The numbers on the y 
axis indicate the relative ion abundance of the ms detector-; On 
the x axis the mass per charge M/z is calculated for C 59 H 89 N ia 0 13 
(MIT) 1257.7, and the M/z found was 1258.4. 

Figure 4 : ' In vitro assay system for the Bcl-2 family 
of proteins 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected with a beta-galactosidase 
-reporter plasmid in combination with either a control plasmid 
(vector) , a plasmid expressing Bcl-2 or Bax, or both plasmids 
expressing Bcl-2 and Bax, using electroporat ion procedure. Cell 
viability was assessed at 18 hours past the electroperotion, by 
measurement of beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 5: RY peptide protects HeLa cells against 
dopamine toxicity: 

Synthetic RY peptide was introduced into HeLa cells with a 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


beta-galactosidase reporter plasmid by electroporation. After 
five hours, cells were exposed to dopamine (150/zu and 3 00/iM, 
Sigma, Ltd., Israel) for 18 hours. Cell viability was then 
evaluated by measurement of the beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 6 : RY peptide increases cell survival rate and inhibits 
Bax- induced cell death, thus mimicking the effect 
of Bcl-2. 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected by electroporation with an 
expression plasmid encoding the RY peptide and a beta-galactosi- 
dase reporter plasmid, and introduced into the assessment system 
of the Bel -2 proteins, as described above in Example 3.b.3 and 
Figure 4. Cell viability was evaluated 18 hours after the 
electroporation by measurement of beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 7: RY peptide inhibits cell-killing effect of Bax 
on embryonic kidney 293T cells 

Human embryonic kidney 293T cells were co- transf ected by ; 
electroporation with a reporter plasmid encoding beta-galactosi- 
dase, in combination with either an expression plasmid encoding 
RY peptide; an expression plasmid encoding Bax; or expression 
plasmids encoding Bax and RY peptide. Cell viability was 
evaluated after 18 hours, by measurement of beta-galactosidase 
activity . 

Figure 8A: Plasmid- encoded RY peptide protects against 

hydrogen peroxide toxicity. 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected via electroporation with an 
.expression plasmid encoding for RY peptide, together with a 
reporter plasmid encoding for beta-galactosidase. Five hours 
after electroporation, cells were treated with either lOO^M or 
of hydrogen peroxide (HP) for 18 hours. Cell viability was 
then evaluated by determining beta-galactosidase activity. 

Figure 8B: Synthetic RY peptide protects, against hydrogen 

peroxide toxicity . 

HeLa cells were co- transf ected via electroporation with RY 


WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 


Claims ; 

1. An isolated and purified peptide of the RY domain having an 
amino acid sequence of general formula I comprising a 
sequence of the following amino acids : 

Xj - X 2 ~ X 3 - X 4 - X 1 ~ X 4 - X 4 ~ X 3 - Xi 1 
Xi = Phe, Tyr, or any amino acid having a substituted 

aromatic residue; 
X 2 = Glu, Asp, Ser, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -COO 

residue, wherein n = 0-3; 
X 3 = Asp, Thr, any aliphatic amino acid," or any of amino 

acids X 4 ; and 

X 4 = Arg, Lys, or any amino acid having a -(CH 2 ) n -NH 3 + 
residue, or a - (CH 2 ) n -NH-C (NH 3 *) NH 2 residue wherein n = 

as well as functional equivalents thereof . 

2. A peptide according to Claim 1, wherein Methionine (Met) is 
connected to the N-terminal of the sequence of general 
formula I . 

3 . A peptide according to Claim 1 or 2 wherein in the sequence' 
of general formula I, the sequence is 
X 4 - X 1 - X 4 - X 4 stands for Arg - Tyr - Arg - Arg. 

4. A peptide according to Claim 3, wherein the sequence is 
preceded by X 3 = Arg. 

5. A peptide according to any of Claims 1 to 4 , wherein the 
substituted aromatic residue of X x is Phenyl- (CH 2 ) n - . 

6. A peptide according to any of Claims 1 to 5, wherein the 
aliphatic amino acid of X 3 is- selected among Leu, lie, Ala, 
Gly and Val . 

7 . Phe-Glu-Leu-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Ala-Phe . 

8 . Phe-Ser-Arg-Arg-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Asp-Phe . 

9 . Phe-Glu-Thr-Arg-Phe-Arg-Arg-Thr-Phe . 

10. A pharmaceutical composition comprising as active ingredient 
a RY peptide according to any of Claims 1 to 9 or a func- 
tional equivalent thereof. 

11. A pharmaceutical composition according to Claim 10 compris- 
ing a pharmaceutical acceptable carrier. 

12. The use of the RY peptide or of a pharmaceutical composition 
according to any of Claims 1 to 11 in the preparation of a 



WO 99/43701 PCT/IL99/00096 

24 ' 

medicament . 

3 . A method for the treatment of disorders of inappropriate 
activation of apotosis by a RY peptide or by a pharmaceuti- 
cal composition according to any of Claims 1 to 11 . 

4. A method for increasing the number of viable cells in a 
biological tissue by a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical 
composition according to any of Claims 1 to 11 . 

5 . A .method for the enhancement for the survival of biological 

cells by a RY-peptide or by a pharmaceutical composition 
according to any of Claims 1 to 11 . 

6 . A method for the preparation of a RY-peptide of general 

formula I according to Claim 1, which comprises attaching 
the corresponding amino acids, one after the other, onto a 
f unct ionalized resin, by the following -steps : 

a. sythesising the sequence of Fmoc (9-fluorenyl methox- 
ycarbonyl) -N alpha -protected amino acids activated in situ 
in a suitable synthesizer and coupling same to a 
preloaded resin, removing the protecting group and 
repeating the coupling and deprotecting steps until the 
entire peptide synthesis has been finalized; 

b. cleaving the peptide from the resin,; and 

c. purifying the peptide obtained in step b. 

17. A method according to Claim 16, wherein the synthesizing 
step is performed by using an ABI (Applied Biosystems U.K.) 
433 A synthesizer. 

18. A method according to Claim 16 or 17, '^herein the coupling 
reagent is HBTU/HOBt (benzotriazole-N, N, N' , N' - tetramethyl- 
uronium hexaf uorophosphate/N-hydroxybenzotriazole ) . 

19. A method according to any of Claims 16 to 18, wherein 3 
equivalents of each of the activated amino acids is used in 
each coupling step. 

20. A method according to any of Claims 16 to 19, wherein the 
resin is selected among a Wang resin and a 2 -chlorotrityl 

21. An isolated and purified peptide of the RY domain having an 
amino acid sequence of general formula I as defined in Claim 
1 and 2, substantially as herein described with reference to 
the examples . 


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